Friday, March 9, 2012

Black Cow Book Blog Tour Day 11: The Virtual Book Tour (a primer and example)

Today I'm over at Writers on the Move talking about the virtual book tour. That is a little self-referential I know - blogging on my blog book tour about doing virtual book tours, but I think there are still lots of people who want to know how to do a virtual book tour, what's involved and why it works so well as a promotional tool.  So I'm taking a moment to analyse the process while being in the midst of it.  Do drop by and add your input, comments, experience, thoughts, and generally participate and you'll be doing the self-referential meta-blogging thing too.

1 comment:

  1. I will have to stop over there and check out your post. I think it sounds interesting and I don't think I have read any posts about how to do a virtual book tour.

