Saturday, August 31, 2024

Compulsive Reader Newsletter - Sept 24

The Sept Compulsive Reader newsletter is on its way to readers around the world.  This month has the usual big literary news roundup as well as new interviews from Anne Elezabeth Pluto, Ruth Oskolkoff, and our feature podcast, Sarah Temporal (you can go straight to that one here:

We also have loads of new reviews and two terrific new giveaways.  

If you can't wait for the newsletter to arrive (they go out in slow bursts), you can always: view it in your browser and if you aren't getting the newsletter please make sure to whitelist us.  To sign up for the free newsletter visit: (upper right hand side).   Happy reading! 

"May 2014 Books" by The Marmot is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

CR Newsletter August 2024

The Compulsive Reader newsletter for August is on its way to inboxes. This month features quite a few interviews including our Compulsive Reader Talks feature with Patti Miller, whose classic book Writing True Stories has been extensively revised and reissued.  We also have reviews of Zero at the Bone by Christian Wiman, The Inhabitants by Beth Castrodale, Little River of Amazement by Mary Kay Rummel, and Not So Distant World by Grace Cavalieri to name just a few. Of course there is a new book giveaway for a copy of Farhang Book One by Patrick Woodcock,  and the big literary news round up. I always have lots of books to giveaway and I've been choosing some book winners at random from subscribers as well, so make sure you're subscribed and you might just win a book!  

To check out the newsletter in the archive visit: Archive.  To subscribe, visit and pop your email in the box on the upper right side.  Happy reading!