Fellow readers, the October issue of The Compulsive Reader News is now on its way to you via email. If you can't wait until it arrives or if (
horrors) you aren't a subscriber, you can grab a copy from the archive:

Of course if you aren't a subscriber and you want to enter our tasty giveaways, you should just drop by
http://www.compulsivereader.com and sign up. It's free, and I only send out one newsletter a month and nothing else. This month's issue contains 8 fresh reviews and 2 interviews, as well as literary news from around the world including some of the biggest literary prizes from the US, New Zealand, Australia, Nigeria, Canada, UK, and China. We've also got three new giveaways, including the Charlie Lovett's new novel,
First Impressions. (I really liked his first novel
The Bookman's Tale and you can hear my interview with him and his little promo of
First Impressions here:
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