I'm turning 50 next month. Yup, half a century is looming in front of me, and I'm not at all bothered about it. After all, I often get told that I'm aging well, I'm fit, healthy and my life is full of abundance. One of the reasons that I've aged well is that I make it a point to drink lots of fresh, clean water every day. However, not everyone has the privilege of unlimited access to clean, safe drinking water. Millions of kids around the world don't live to see their fifth birthday
because they don't have access to clean, safe drinking water. 800 million people still live without clean water in developing countries around the world. Many walk 2-4 hours a day to swamps and rivers to gather dirty water for their families. Clean water isn't just a thirst quencher. It's a life saver, and a life changer. Clean water means health, income and
education - especially for women and kids. Every $1 invested in improved water supply and sanitation can yield from $4 to $12
for the local economy. So providing clean water for those who don't have access to it is a big deal, and this year, instead of an expensive bash or fancy trip, I've decided to donate my birthday for clean water.
Right now, a generous supporter is matching all donations to birthday campaigns until the end of the month, so although I don't turn 50 until October, now is the best time to donate.

Every penny of the money raised will directly fund clean water projects. And when those projects are finished, charity: water will send us proof in pictures and GPS coordinates, so we can see the actual people and communities we impacted (I'll put them up here). That means we'll know the locations and names of the communities we helped. This year, instead of sending me well-wishes, a card or a gift, please join me and donate, whatever you can afford, to my birthday campaign. Every bit helps, it's tax-deductible, and even a $1 donation can have a big impact, especially if you donate before the end of the month, when every $ is doubled, so please go to
https://my.charitywater.org/magdalenas-50th and donate whatever you can. Thanks so much!
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