Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Book tree (now there's an idea...)

A great idea for celebrating the holiday with books (you could buy them as gifts too...I always do) from the Barr Smith Library in Adelaide.  They aren't the only ones doing it, though I particularly like the idea of the books resting on the Dewey Decimal Classification (showing my age). The James Cook Library in Cairns, QLD has also done something similar. My own shelves are definitely overflowing, and much as I love books, I've got no place to put all the new ones that will surely arrive by sleigh in the next few days, especially with the Christmas tree taking up half the living room.  Here's the obvious solution.  Happy holidays to all of you, and thanks for all your wonderful support this year.  

Monday, December 14, 2009


Following is a link to a reading (with music) of my poem Spirals, from Repulsion Thrust:



take that
a dirty incoherence of numbers and letters
your identity
crushed into a spiral galaxy
empty of dark matter
an absence of darkness
your exotic invisible substance

some would call that ‘light’
shake unwashed hair
and swear
no such thing exists

you hold tight to darkness
the hardening addiction
that clinks
against the side of your glass
each night as your hand drops
in spiralling slumber

rotation slows as you move
further out
from the crowded inner reaches
of your galactic core
your motions sedated
gravity weakening

it might be the big bang’s
that leaves you gasping for air
a stone’s throw
from one galaxy full of dark matter
to another full of light
as you drift into another
dark sleep

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Technological Singularity: The Movie

Yes, it's a bit odd, but you have to admit it's thought provoking and picks up just a bit on the poem's theme.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Two poems from Repulsion Thrust published at blackmail press 26

Two poems of mine from Repulsion Thrust have been published in New Zealand's blackmail press 26. The magazine is 8 years old and has been called "A wonderful blemish on the literary landscape of new Zealand!" The poem Koha was inspired by a Māori poetess who was married to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's son, who left his wealthy German life behind to live amongst the Māoris during a time of war. It's a great love story that has so many fascinating elements and beautiful dichotomies. The story came to me by way of a friend who is actually related to Puhiwahine (and still uses the name Von Goethe), and will likely form the basis for my 3rd novel, Goethe's Daughters.